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SOS Skin Care Lotion
in case of mites

For nourishing care of skin stressed by mites or parasites infestation. Supports skin regeneration in cases of dandruff, hair loss and chafing. Stops severe itching, prevents chafing and scratching. Hair loss resulting from mite infestation is stopped, coat begins to grow again after just a few days.


FN anti-doping and medicine control rules:
ADMR compliant, no waiting period


These active plant ingredients are included:

Stocking tree pods Myroxylon balsamum Fabaceae 2010_0822_Hanging_garden 0089 e.jpg

Peru Balsam: Peru Balsam is a natural resin obtained from the balsam tree in Peru. It promotes skin regeneration, soothes irritation, and supports the healing of wounds.

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